Peer Reviewed

Diabetes and coronary risk

Pat Phillips
Diabetes increases coronary risk in both men and women, and eliminates the gender difference that exists for this risk in those without diabetes. Having renal impairment increases the coronary risk in both men and women even more.
Key Points
  • People with diabetes and no history of myocardial infarction (MI) have equivalent coronary risks to people without diabetes but with a history of MI.
  • There is a clear gender difference in terms of coronary risk between men and women without diabetes and with or without an MI history, with relative coronary risks being much lower in women.
  • Women with diabetes with and without a history of MI have equivalent coronary risks to men with diabetes with and without a history of MI.
  • Having renal impairment and diabetes significantly increases the coronary risk in both men and women to an even greater degree.
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